News & Events

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa. There’s a lot going on in our rohe. You’ll find all Iwi news and event information posted and archived here. We also share links to news on the community facebook pages and direct email lists.

Kaitakawaenga Wananga

Need assistance with My IR online, Building Whanau Trusts, starting and running a business including record keeping, filing and amending returns, registering for GST and employing staff or just general enquiries for IRD?

  Added 4 months ago

Need assistance with My IR online, Building Whanau Trusts, starting and running a business including record keeping, filing and amending returns, registering for GST and employing staff or just general enquiries for IRD? We have a couple of wahine coming to discuss these options.

Nau Mai Haere mai


Venue: Tuahuru Marae

Date: 11/11/2024 

Time: 11AM - 2PM