Board of Trustees

The current Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust Board structure includes two representatives from each of our seven Marae. Our people have embraced and provided the focus for our decisions and mahi. Achieving these outcomes reinforces the values that underpins what it means to be Rongomaiwahine.

Current Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trustees, as of 2023, and their respective Marae; ​

  • Apaapa-A-Rangi: Sapphire Cooper, Elizabeth Palmer
  • Kaiuku: Glenn Webber, Darren Te Rangi 
  • Mahanga: Jody Rarere, Hinepua Morrison 
  • Ruawharo: Pikihoro Tuhi, Huia Dyjak 
  • Te Atihau: Paul Ratapu, Fiona Wairau 
  • Te Rākato:
  • Tuahuru: Pania Tyson-Nathan, Kenross Campbell



The 2023 Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust Hui-A-Tau was held on Saturday, 18 November 2023 at Kaiuku Marae. ​RIT Chair Paul Ratapu presented a summary of key operations underway in support of the Iwi long-term strategy He Mahere Rautaki including a summary of the Iwi's Mahere Rautaki. The financial reports for the year ending 30 June 2023 were presented and adopted. Leon Symes was declared the Rongomaiwahine representative to the Board of Tātau Tātau. 

The next Hui-A-Tau / AGM will be held on Saturday 23 November 2024.

Mahanga Marae

Ko wai ahau?

Ko Rakauwhakatangitangi te Maunga
Kopuawhara te Awa
Kurahaupo me Takitimu nga Waka
Ko Tamatakutai te Tupuna Rangatira
Te Hoko Whitu o Ngaitu the haapu
Ko Mahanga te Marae
Ko Bob raua ko Wahati oku matua tupuna
Ko Ruby raua ko La oku Matua
Ko Zion taku pepi
No Mahanga Ahau.
I schooled mostly in WGTN - Have studied at: Victoria and Te Wananga o Raukawa.

Why did you want to be a trustee?

I have been apart of our Marae trust for some years now and wanted to do my part for our iwi.

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

To do the best job I can do for the people of Mahanga and Rongomaiwahine in general.

Ko wai ahau?

Ko Rakauwhakatangitangi te Maunga
Kopuawhara te Awa
Kurahaupo me Takitimu nga Waka
Ko Tamatakutai te Tupuna Rangatira
Te Hoko Whitu o Ngaitu the haapu
Ko Mahanga te Marae
Ko Heeni Te Wiki Biggs tōku mama
Ko TJ Tupai tōku whangai
No Mahanga ahau
Ko Jody Rarere tōku ingoa 

Why did you want to be a trustee?

To ensure whānau have a voice. 

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

To create a nurturing environment for future Rangatahi to thrive. 

Apaapa-A-Rangi Marae

Ko wai ahau?


Why did you want to be a trustee?


What plans do you have whilst in this role?

Ko wai ahau?

I was born in Tauranga and raised in Wairoa. I’m the eldest of three siblings. My mother is Josephine
Kopu of Iwitea, Wairoa, my father is Hoani Palmer. I have two children and six grandchildren. My Wairoa whakapapa spans from Mohaka (Ngāti Pahauwera), to Mahia (Rongomaiwahine), to Te Urewera (Tuhoe). And my Tauranga whakapapa is Matakana Island (Ngāi Te Rangi). I have been involved in the Treaty settlement for Te Wairoa since 2011 with Te Wairoa Tapokorau Whānui and Te Whakaki Nui a Rua. I’m a trustee on Matangirau Reserves Board, legislative body for Tātau Tātau o Te Wairoa and Wairoa District Council (WDC), on Māori Standing Committee - WDC representative for Te Matangirau Takiwa. Other trustee interests include Māori land trusts/incorporations of whānau whenua, Marae and Sporting club.

Why did you want to be a trustee?

In January 2019, I was nominated to Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust Board by my whānau at Te Apa-Apa-A-Rangi Marae as Taurahere representative. In supporting whānau hapū and marae, I demonstrate a number of skills and qualities that has and will be extremely important for me as a trustee of Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust. This

  • STRENGTHEN our partnerships with Whānau Hapū and Marae as a priority
  • EMPOWER our Whānau Hapū and Marae through succession development, decision making that is inclusive, ethical, and transparent
  • GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS Ability to make high-level decisions and leading teams
  • EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Including engaging with trustees, partners and stakeholders, meeting and attending Marae hui
  • MĀTAURANGA MĀORI Including whakapapa to whenua wai and tāngata

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

My aspirations for whānau hapū iwi and marae are focused on the values and principles of Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust and Rongomaiwahine Iwi Charitable Trust. Restoration of our health and wealth, revitalisation of our environment, protection of our cultural identity, and building an economic base. Our strategic plan reflects this. In conclusion, as trustee for all beneficial owners my goal is to uphold our mana motuhake and tino rangatiratanga within Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust.

Tuahuru Marae

Ko wai ahau?

Ko Rongomaiwahine te wahine E whakapakapa te manawa nui Nō Nukutaurua Te ūnga o Kurahaupō Ki te Mahia mai Tawhiti Ka puta, ka ora ko ōku tīpuna ko Heke Taurima rātou ko Rangi Te Ngaio, ko Paihau Wairau, ko Te Hina Hura He mokopuna hoki tēnei nā Mereira Te Ngaio rātou ko Sam Wairau (kei te mihi ko Willie Ormond rāua ko Bessie Neville Ka moe a Girlie Wairau ki a Wynter Tyson Ka puta ka ora ko au, ko Pania e mihi atu nei ki a koutou

Why did you want to be a trustee?

My whanau and I have been enveloped with love and support by our whanau in and from Mahia, mō āke tonu. And, for at least 50 years I have held a great sense of pride and fierce commitment as an uri of Rongomaiwahine. Having been involved in the business of other iwi for many years, I had always hoped I could work with my own and as cliched as it sounds, use my skills to contribute back to those who have nurtured our whanau over the years. Nothing gives me a greater privilege than to have the opportunity to serve my own.

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

My plan is to listen,learn and to work hard. To contribute in a way that is mana enhancing for all and to ensure whanau are part of the journey. I'm a strong advocate of values based cultural, environmental, commercial and economic wealth, as drivers for prosperity. My weaknesses, I'm impatient and get worse as I get older. I'm intolerant of gossip, stirrers and anyone who is not respectful. Can talk too much. My commitment To serve To listen To learn To work hard


Kaiuku Marae

Ko wai ahau?

Tena koutou - He mihi nei no tetahi o nga mokopuna o Rongomaiwahine, me ona rangatira e rua, a Tamatakutai me Kahungnunu. Ko Heke Taurima te tino kuia o taku whanau, he mokopuna ahau no Paku Tehau (Webber). 

Why did you want to be a trustee?

Mahia has always a place that has been special to me as I have been nutured by my Rongomawahine whanau. Being a trustee provides with an opportunity to give something back to my turangawaewae

you have whilst in this role?

I respect the work done by the whanau to develop the strategic plan, and whilst in this role I hope to make a contribution to it being implemented. Ka ora ai te iwi.

Ko wai ahau?

Tarapaikea tōku Maunga
Kopuawhara tōku Awa
Takitumu me Kurahaupo ngā Waka
Ruawharo te Marae Wilfred Kereru tōku Papa
Mateapiti Whaanga tōku mama
Ko Darren Terangi tōku ingoa

Why did you want to be a trustee?

To work alongside fellow trustees to realise the dreams and aspirations of our beneficiaries whilst maintaining tikanga and kawa.

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

To achieve the above. 

Ruawharo Marae

Ko wai ahau?

Ruawharo te Wharenui
Kurahaupo te Waka
Te Ara O Paikea te Maunga
Waipiata te Awa
Ngai Tama te Hapu
Rongomawahine te Iwi

Why did you want to be a trustee?

I believe I have a relationship with our Marae, such that it is an 1.Opportunity to gather/research questions to take to our Iwi meetings, and return, where ever possible, answers. 2.Opportunity to provide our Marae an open and transparent relationship. 3.Opportunity to build better relationships between Ruawharo Marae Trustees/Shareholders as a whole and R.I.T

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

Work congruently with R.I.T and all Marae.

Ko wai ahau?


Why did you want to be a trustee?


What plans do you have whilst in this role?


Te Atihau Marae

Ko wai ahau?

Ko Puke Karoro te maunga
Ko Haunui te awa
Ko Ngā-Heru-mai-tawhiti-o-Waikawa te wānanga tapu
Ko Maramahātea te urupā
Ko Te Atihau te marae
Ko Kurahaupō te waka
Ko Ngāti Hikairo te hapū
Ko Rongomaiwahine te iwi

Why did you want to be a trustee?

To work with our beneficiaries to uphold and strengthen the mana motuhake of the whānau and hapū of Mahia-mai-tawhiti, through the maintenance and handing down of the Tikanga and Kawa of our old people.

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

- Support and foster Te Reo me ōna tikanga within the whānau and on our marae at Mahia-mai-tawhiti. - Restore our Whenua and Moana. - develop Mahia-mai-tawhiti into a environmentally, socially, healthy and economically sustainable place for our beneficiaries and future generations to enjoy and thrive in.

Ko wai ahau?

Ko Rongomaiwahine tōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Hikairo tōku hapū
Ko Kurahaupo tōku waka
Ko Te Atihau tōku marae
Ko Puke Karoro te maunga
Ko Haunui toku awa
Ko Fiona Wairau tōku ingoa

  • Mahia Māori Committee - Former Secretary
  • WDC Māori Standing Committee - Mahia Mai Tawhiti Takiwa Representative
  • Te Tumu Paeroa - Advisory Trustee
  • Wilfred and Pani Kereru Whānau Trust- Trustee
  • Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust - Board Trustee  

Why did you want to be a trustee?

Supported by my loving husband and whānau, I am humbly proud to be given the opportunity to be part of the board for Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust, I believe we will prosper guided by the aspirations and values chosen by our people.

What plans do you have whilst in this role?

To nurture the wellbeing and development of our people. this has always been and will continue to be my passion, my pride and my honour.