News & Events

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Ōpoutama Wetlands Community Planting Day

  Added 6 months ago

In support of Conservation Week, on August 26, 2024, Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust collaborated with Native Forest Restoration Trust, the kaitiaki of the Ōpoutama Wetlands Reserve, to host a Community Planting Day. The Native Forest Restoration Trust authorized Malcolm Rutherford from the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust to pick up a range of native plants and deliver them on the day.

The attending of community members, our Kaimahi, Te Kura Kaupapa o Te Parehuia and Te Māhia School (Years 1-6) made for a fantastic turnout. Plants were transported for planting in two locations, areas were inspected to ensure sites were suitable.

The day began with a site safety and risk assessment, with students lined and ready for the tasks ahead. They marched about 100 metres up the walkway to the first planting location, where our Kaimahi had sparingly prepared 300 holes. After arriving at the spot, a short lesson was held by Malcolm on how to plant. After attentively watching the lesson, the Tamariki knew precisely what to do and how to do it best.

The groups equally broke off to the two sites and filled the 300 holes with a variety of Kanuka, Akeake, Whararirki, and Tī Kouka rooted seedlings. Since there was no vegetation to support wetland life on the sides of the walking trail, plants needed to be planted in this section of the wetlands. To top it off, all involved shared a well deserved BBQ.

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