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RAPID - Rapid Numbering System

RAPID numbers are essential for emergency services such as fire, ambulance and civil defence. They are an essential resource for emergency service providers to locate rural addresses efficiently. All rural areas in NZ use this numbering system.

  Added one year ago

RAPID - Rapid Numbering System
RAPID numbers are essential for emergency services such as fire, ambulance and civil defence. They are an essential resource for emergency service providers to locate rural addresses efficiently. All rural areas in NZ use this numbering system.
How are RAPID numbers allocated?
Your RAPID number will be based on the distance your property is from the beginning of the road on which it is located. The numbers allocated to properties by measuring in meters, the distance from the start of the road to the centre of the dwellings driveway. The final measurement is divided by 10 and then rounded to a whole number. Numbers on the right of the road are even those on the left are odd.
If you would like support in obtaining a RAPID number for your property, there is a charge of $20 and can be obtained by phoning the Wairoa District Council on (06) 838 7309 and speaking to the GIS Team. A simple application is filled in and then LINZ are contacted to generate the correct RAPID number.