News & Events

Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa. There’s a lot going on in our rohe. You’ll find all Iwi news and event information posted and archived here. We also share links to news on the community facebook pages and direct email lists.

Te Kaahu O te Ora" (Soul Massage)

  Added one year ago

We are so grateful for "Te Kaahu O te Ora" (Soul Massage) for sharing your time and talents with us here at Rongomaiwahine Iwi at Tuahuru Marae.
Thank you also to Te Whatu Ora for allowing this kaupapa to happen. Lastly to our kaimahi - Helena Mcgregor for coordinating this mahi for the community.
We received some much appreciated "healing relief" following some major weather events here in Mahia.
"He ao te rangi ka uhia a ma te huruhuru te mau ka tau". Like clouds adorn the sky, feathers make birds fly.