Mahanga Marae

Our purpose is to create employment opportunities through economic development for whānau, hapu, iwi and communities

Mahanga Marae Chairman: Adelaide Rarere
Trustees: Current Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust members


Mahi Ngātahi

Whānau will be united, transparent and honest in the growth of our hapu and marae. Our Rongomaiwahine Iwi Trust board will be made from strong foundation in which examples responsibility to our next generation of leaders.


Whānau will be living drug and smoke free in safe homes on our whenua. A strong health system will enhance the standard of living for our people so we can participate in all events Rongomaiwahine. Opportunities for all levels of living will be encouraged and embraced.


Our whenua will be utilized with home, whare wananga and puna reo. Wahi tapu sites will be acknowledged. We will have control over our moana and whenua.


Mahanga Marae will be active with productive hui, wananga with strong whaikōrero and kaikaranga. Our tikanga and kawa at our Marae will be restored to our old ways. Rongoa will be practiced and our Te Reo Māori will be strengthened. Our history will be archived and accessible. Our Wairuatanga will be enhanced. Our Rongomaiwahinetanga will be celebrated with whakawhānaunga day and ahurei.

Whakatipu Rawa

Rongomaiwahine will be leading future generations with our skills, we will have the resources within our marae and hapu. Rongomaiwahine will ensure the aspirations of Mahanga Marae will be supported in investments. Rongomaiwahine will grow the pūkenga and assets for future mokopuna.

Mahanga Marae Location Map

2 Happy Jacks Road, Māhia, Hawke's Bay
